Using Google Keywords Tool

Using Google Keywords Tool for Competitive Analysis

Conducting a competitive analysis is essential for understanding the SEO landscape and discovering opportunities to improve your website’s performance. Google Keywords Tool, particularly the Keyword Planner, is a powerful free resource that can help you gain insights into your competitors’ strategies. This guide will walk you through how to use Google Keywords Tool for competitive analysis and leverage the data to enhance your SEO strategy.

Using Google Keywords Tool
Using Google Keywords Tool

Introduction to Google Keywords Tool

Google Keywords Tool, specifically Google Keyword Planner, is a part of Google Ads that helps advertisers and SEO professionals find the right keywords for their campaigns. It provides data on keyword search volume, competition, and cost-per-click (CPC), which can be invaluable for both paid and organic search strategies.

Key Features of Google Keyword Planner

  • Keyword Ideas: Generate new keyword suggestions based on seed keywords or website URLs.
  • Search Volume Data: View average monthly searches for specific keywords.
  • Competition Level: Understand how competitive a keyword is in Google Ads.
  • CPC Estimates: Get cost-per-click estimates for paid campaigns.

Steps to Conduct Competitive Analysis Using Google Keyword Planner

  1. Setting Up Google Keyword Planner

To start using Google Keyword Planner, you need to have a Google Ads account. If you don’t have one, sign up for free at

  1. Log In to Google Ads: Use your Google account to log in.
  2. Access Keyword Planner: Navigate to Tools & Settings in the top menu and select Keyword Planner under Planning.
  3. Discovering Competitor Keywords

One of the most powerful features of Google Keyword Planner is its ability to provide keyword ideas based on your competitors’ websites.

  1. Start with a Website: In Keyword Planner, choose “Discover new keywords.”
  2. Enter a Competitor URL: Instead of using your website, enter the URL of a competitor.
  3. Generate Keyword Ideas: Google will generate a list of keywords that the competitor’s website ranks for, along with search volume and competition data.
  4. Analyzing Keyword Data

Once you have a list of competitor keywords, it’s time to analyze the data to find opportunities for your SEO strategy.

  1. Search Volume: Look at the average monthly searches to determine how popular a keyword is.
  2. Competition Level: Check the competition column to see how many advertisers are bidding on a keyword. High competition usually means it’s a valuable keyword.
  3. CPC Estimates: While primarily for paid campaigns, CPC can indicate the commercial value of a keyword.
  4. Identifying Keyword Gaps

Keyword gaps are keywords that your competitors rank for but you do not. Identifying these gaps can help you target new opportunities.

  1. Compare Keywords: Use the list of competitor keywords and compare them with the keywords you currently target.
  2. Find Gaps: Highlight keywords with high search volume and moderate competition that you aren’t currently targeting.
  3. Developing Content Strategy

Use the insights gained from competitor keywords to inform your content strategy.

  1. Target High-Value Keywords: Focus on keywords with high search volume and moderate competition.
  2. Create Relevant Content: Develop content that answers the questions and meets the needs indicated by the keyword data.
  3. Optimize Existing Content: Update your current content to better target high-value keywords.

Advanced Tips for Using Google Keyword Planner

Using Filters and Customization

Google Keyword Planner allows you to filter and customize your keyword data to get more precise insights.

  1. Location and Language Filters: Adjust these settings to focus on your target audience.
  2. Period: Look at historical data to identify seasonal trends.
  3. Keyword Filters: Filter by competition level or exclude keywords you’re not interested in.

Monitoring Competitor Performance

Regularly check how your competitors are performing by revisiting Google Keyword Planner and updating your analysis. This can help you stay ahead by quickly adapting to changes in the competitive landscape.

  1. Set Up Alerts: Use Google Alerts to monitor mentions of your competitors and their content.
  2. Regular Analysis: Conduct keyword research periodically to keep your strategy up-to-date.


Google Keyword Planner is a versatile tool that, when used effectively, can provide deep insights into your competitors’ keyword strategies. By understanding which keywords your competitors are targeting and identifying keyword gaps, you can develop a robust SEO strategy that improves your search engine rankings and drives more traffic to your website. Regularly updating your analysis and content strategy based on the latest data will ensure you stay competitive in the ever-evolving SEO landscape. Start leveraging Google Keywords Tool today to boost your competitive analysis and enhance your SEO efforts.

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